![]() Welcome to our new subscribers!! And if you haven't joined the conversation on Facebook, then find us @ptsonmission to continue to receive updates, encouragement, and information. Finally, tell a friend if you are benefiting from this site. Not too long ago on a rainy Saturday, my kids were pacing around the house, bored trying to figure out something to do together since they couldn’t go outside to play. They were restless with energy to burn. Then one of them suggested the game hide and seek to the squealing delight of my 3 year old because she loves that game. The countdown began and the sound of scurrying feet reverberated around the house as each child rushed to find the best possible hiding spot. For a few moments, there was actually silence in my house while the search began, which was refreshing. But then you could start to hear little giggles and chuckles as each child was found in their hiding spots and eventually a new round started. As the game wore on and more rounds were played, the excitement of finding their siblings grew and grew to the point that in the last few rounds, there was raucous squealing and laughter of pure delight every single time one sibling was found. In the midst of all the noise and happiness of a classic game on a rainy day, I found myself reflecting on the situation I was observing. It reminded me so much of what Jesus tells us in his word speaking to Zaccheus. “And Jesus said to him, ‘Today salvation has come to this house, since he also is a son of Abraham.’ For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.” Luke 19:9-10 Much in the same way my kids were out searching for each other with joy and anticipation, we too, as followers of Christ with a disciple-making command should follow in Jesus’ footsteps and seek out the lost with joy and anticipation. We come into contact with so many people during the course of our day. Family members. Colleagues. Co-workers. Patients. And the list goes on. I needed that reminder from my kids. And maybe you need that reminder too - that we are to be seekers of the lost in order to bring them to Jesus and salvation. But the other part of watching a rainy day Hide and Seek game unfold in my home was the utter excitement, joy, and laughter when one was found. It reminded me again of God’s word when Jesus is teaching his disciples. “I tell you, there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who need no repentance.” Luke 15:7 “Just so, I tell you, there is joy before the angels before the angels of God over one sinner who repents.” Luke 15:10 It is incredible to me that God could have used any means to bring lost souls to himself but He, in His wisdom, ordained me and you to seek those who are lost, those who need to be found and brought to the light. And what a joy it is when salvation is granted. What a cool thought that we get a role in making all of heaven rejoice! So, who will you seek out in these days to bring to the father? Jason ***Check out my book "Rehab the World" written for Physical Therapists to encourage us in our workplace and prepare us to serve those around us. If you like, please leave a review and spread the word!!***
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