Part of the mission of this blog is to also be a place of encouragement and equipping for your personal faith walk. When I am talking about faith walk I am referring to an explicitly Christian faith walk built on the authority of the Bible. That means that the worldview presented will be under girded by the foundational and doctrinal truths of God's word. What are those truths? That God is holy. That we rebelled and sinned against him which resulted in brokenness in the world and in our lives. That Jesus is the son of God who came to earth to live a perfect life, suffer and die on a cross and be buried in a tomb only to rise again and reigns as a living king. That God's word is true and that the truth of God's word changes our lives. That believing on Jesus' name and repenting of sin will grant salvation and eternal life. And that following Christ means carrying out his disciple-making mission to the world. Hopefully, many of you who have joined this journey believing those truths wholeheartedly. If you haven't, I would encourage you to send a me letter for more detail about finding a hope in life and death and an ultimate purpose in your life and work. But when we operate out of an explicitly biblical worldview we begin to see that it affects everything in our lives. It changes how we think about and approach ever single decision and action in our lives. It changes how we view our work as physical therapists. Have you ever thought if there was a higher purpose in your work? There is. Our job as a physical therapist is not just about helping others get better and back to their life. It is not just about providing for your family. It is not just about pursuing professionalism and increasing your knowledge. It is no less than those things, but it is significantly more. God gave you the skill, ability, and talents you have to be used for his glory and his mission. Our job is one of the tools by which God carries out his plan of reconciliation. Think about your work and your skill as a gift God has entrusted to you to be used effectively for his kingdom. When we start viewing our work in that light, it becomes less burdensome and more fulfilling. "Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ." Col. 3:23-24. Jason
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