Welcome to our new subscribers!! And if you haven't joined the conversation on Facebook, then find us @ptsonmission to continue to receive updates, encouragement, and information. Finally, tell a friend if you are benefiting from this site. Another Thanksgiving season is upon us and brings with it the focused time to think about gratitude and thankfulness. It seems that negativity and grumbling are the prevailing attitudes in our day which can be hard to resist. We can easily get caught up in the the negatives but to our own detriment. As Christ followers we are to be the most thankful and joyful people on the planet. And to that end, here are a few things that we, as physical therapists can be thankful for this year. We can be thankful for our jobs. Any job or clinic work comes with its positives and negatives. And believe me, as I am going through an electronic systems overhaul in my place of work, it has been very easy to fall into the rut of grumbling, complaining, and negativity. But the reality is, that change is temporary and I can even be thankful for the upgrades. But anyway, maybe you are in a new workplace, or have been at a clinic a long time. We can still be thankful that we have a job and are still able to work, take care of, and minister to all of our patients. Not only that but our jobs are providing for our spouses, families, friends, and others in the community. It is good to recognize God’s common grace in providing the positions we have to be a blessing to others around us. We can be thankful for our colleagues. Some of us may work with an amazing team. Others of you may have more difficult relationships in your work space. But regardless, we can be thankful. Thankful for the encouragement and fun that our colleagues can provide to us during the routine of the work week. Thankful for the opportunity you have to invest in your colleagues and for them to invest in you. And even thankful for those colleagues that may be more challenging because God may be using them to refine you and change your heart so you can see how best to interact with them. We can be thankful for our patients. We see all kinds of people but we can be thankful for each and every one because I believe God brings the patients to us for his will and purpose. Many are hurting physically and God has brought them to us for physical healing. Many have emotional or spiritual hurt underneath the physical pain and God brings them to us to reach those areas while we try to help them physically. We are God’s vessels of his work as he brings us patients. We can be thankful that God is using us for his purposes in our work as we treat patients. We can be thankful for Jesus. And lastly, yes, we can be thankful for our Savior. He is with us and gives us eternal hope no matter our circumstances, our work situation, our life situation. We can turn our eyes to him and let the negativity and complaining of the world around us fade away. We can bask in his great love and have an attitude of thankfulness because he loves us no matter what and died for us so that we can have life. Rest in that this season and be thankful. Pray for an attitude of gratitude and let the joy of the Lord wash over you and your family. Give Thanks to the Lord, for he is good. His love endures forever. Ps 136:1 Jason
***Check out my book "Rehab the World" written for Physical Therapists and other rehab professionals to encourage us in our workplace and prepare us to serve those around us. If you like, please leave a review and spread the word!!***
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